Site By: @cgldevel

Eberly College of Science Canvas Resources

The Grove Center Canvas Sites

The Grove Center has developed, and is continuing to develop, a set of collaborative Canvas resource sites for instructors. These sites have information where instructors can explore potential uses and access curricular items (landing pages, assessments, etc.) that can be imported directly into an instructor’s Canvas course, and they also have resources to provide additional background information on specific teaching topics. These Canvas resource sites can be accessed using the links in the descriptions below.

The Grove Center Resources: The Syllabus

The Grove Center’s syllabus site was designed by members of the Grove Center to communicate essential information about a course syllabus. A course syllabus communicates the tone for a course by providing vital information about what, when, and how students will learn and how the instructional team will support students in this effort. It also sets the stage for the assessment of learning. The suggested syllabus content outlined in this Canvas space aligns with research-based learning practices and the elements recommended by the University Faculty Senate. We have also included recommendations to take standard syllabus elements and make them more learner centered and inclusive.

The Grove Center Resources: Health and Wellness

The Grove Center’s health and wellness resource aims to equip instructors with essential information on health and wellness, providing valuable tools for classroom integration. Utilizing these resources can bolster students’ well-being, thereby boosting their engagement and academic success.

Eberly College of Science First-Year Seminar (FYS) Instructor Collaborative Space

The first-year seminar instructor collaborative space contains the agreed-upon learning objectives for Eberly College of Science first-year seminar courses as well as suggested activities and resources. This master course is a repository of resources, information, and sample items to benefit all Eberly College of Science ASTRO 20 and PSU 16 instructors. Each instructor will have their own goals they hope to achieve with their section, and this master course will hopefully help you meet them. Additionally, the college has several learning objectives that all first-year seminars should meet. You may request to be added the course by contacting Ana Matkovic.

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